
National Dosimetry Safety Star – Patty Sponseller

Please join us in congratulating Patricia Sponseller, MS, CMD, RTT! The RO-ILS program selected Patricia for a National Dosimetry Safety Star recognition award!

Patricia has been recognized for her patient safety advocacy and commitment to providing quality care to her patients!

New this year, RO-ILS wanted to also recognize specific medical dosimetrists for their contributions to patient safety. RO-ILS participants nominated their colleagues and provided rationale for why the nominee was deserving of national recognition for their efforts in patient safety! 2023 is the first year that for the National Dosimetry Safety Star awards.

Want to read more? Information about RO-ILS and Patricia’s accomplishment may be found here: RO-ILS: 2023 Dosimetry Stars.

Photograph of Patty Sponseller.

Our congratulations to Patricia and to all on our team who set a standard of excellence in patient safety and care!

Patty is a certified medical dosimetrist with a long career with a consistent dedication to education, safety and quality. She has been a key participant in our practice’s incident learning system (which includes RO-ILS), responsible for numerous QI initiatives, and has educated a generation of people on quality and safety. She has also held lead roles in AAMD where she has promoted quality and safety awareness.