

The latest news regarding the UW Department of Radiation Oncology at UW Medicine in partnership with Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Dr. Fre’Etta Brooks, Ph.D., travels to Nigeria to present research on evaluating global clinical trial credentialing and PSQA systems quantifying the differences among international dosimetry auditing methodologies 

Return to Education Overview Return to News Section Dr. Brooks approached Professors Hendrickson and Fagerstrom about attending the Nigerian Association of Medical Physicists (NAMP) conference

Professional Photograph of Samantha VanNest during Medical Physics Residency

Dr. Samantha Van Nest, Ph.D., initiates and receives funding for a novel research project related to Early Immunogenic Signaling Initiated by Proton FLASH.

Return to Education Overview Return to News Section Dr. Van Nest (“Sam”) approached Professors Stewart and Sandison on a project of special interest to her

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